Friday, 22 January 2010

Running up walls to free your mind (Freerunning/Parkour Part1)

When I first saw this parkour thing (it was on Metacafe, "the real matrix" being the name of the clip) I think i instantly fell in love, I have always loved the free flowing movements of Aquarian Wu-Shu Pai (the water based Kung-Fu), but I am not someone who likes to fight. I also try my best to convince others to fight and be as relaxed as possible.

In late March of 2009 I had a very bad accident, whilst doing freerunning. To paint a picture, I new nothing about my body , I did not know its limits, nor had I ever really taken any time to address the little voice in my head called fear.

I will say this, if you ever do decide to do any thing that may put your life in danger, then get used to the fear and how to overcome it THIS IS PARAMOUNT .

About a week ago I went to my regular parkour class it was actually Mon the 18th of Jan if anyone cares, and I went with a slightly different motive than before, you see attending the qualification course that morning was someone that is a bit of a hero of mine; One Mr Sebastian Foucan.

If you do not know who he is, the black guy at the beginning of Casino Royale, doing all the crazy Parkour. He is also the father of Freerunning.

Just to tell you I did not get to meet him, but something happened that I think was even more amazing. Let me tell you.

There is a wall at class that is about 10ft high that i always try and get up it , you know by jumping then kicking up the wall. I always make sure my technique is good and listen to all the peoples advice on how to do it.

Earlier in class that day I had managed to jump about to 1 1./2 meters to jump on to a wall, in cat position (cause you look like a cat), so with a little bit of inspiration and with some determination I decided to go back and try the wall again.

I went for my first jump ..... ABYSMAL FAILURE

The advice came thick and furious
  1. Don't slow down when you get near the wall
  2. Be closer to the wall when you take off
  3. concentrate on your last 3 steps only
  4. man you can't do it so I will instead

But the one that really took me up a level the one that made the most difference, was number 5

Drum roll please

5. Think light.

Seems so simple... but I am sure all of us remember being a kid and jumping around and then some how pausing in mid flight of that feeling light feeling that you got some times . Now how many of us have lost that.... I think most have

So I took that Idea wrapped my self in that feeling and bam I was Sooooooo close, and even though I did not make it I am happy to say my average distance from the top has gone from 5 inches , to 1/2 an inch.

Any way if you train

Train Safe

and now i spell check

8 errors

hopefully less next time :)

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