Friday, 22 January 2010

Running up walls to free your mind (Freerunning/Parkour Part1)

When I first saw this parkour thing (it was on Metacafe, "the real matrix" being the name of the clip) I think i instantly fell in love, I have always loved the free flowing movements of Aquarian Wu-Shu Pai (the water based Kung-Fu), but I am not someone who likes to fight. I also try my best to convince others to fight and be as relaxed as possible.

In late March of 2009 I had a very bad accident, whilst doing freerunning. To paint a picture, I new nothing about my body , I did not know its limits, nor had I ever really taken any time to address the little voice in my head called fear.

I will say this, if you ever do decide to do any thing that may put your life in danger, then get used to the fear and how to overcome it THIS IS PARAMOUNT .

About a week ago I went to my regular parkour class it was actually Mon the 18th of Jan if anyone cares, and I went with a slightly different motive than before, you see attending the qualification course that morning was someone that is a bit of a hero of mine; One Mr Sebastian Foucan.

If you do not know who he is, the black guy at the beginning of Casino Royale, doing all the crazy Parkour. He is also the father of Freerunning.

Just to tell you I did not get to meet him, but something happened that I think was even more amazing. Let me tell you.

There is a wall at class that is about 10ft high that i always try and get up it , you know by jumping then kicking up the wall. I always make sure my technique is good and listen to all the peoples advice on how to do it.

Earlier in class that day I had managed to jump about to 1 1./2 meters to jump on to a wall, in cat position (cause you look like a cat), so with a little bit of inspiration and with some determination I decided to go back and try the wall again.

I went for my first jump ..... ABYSMAL FAILURE

The advice came thick and furious
  1. Don't slow down when you get near the wall
  2. Be closer to the wall when you take off
  3. concentrate on your last 3 steps only
  4. man you can't do it so I will instead

But the one that really took me up a level the one that made the most difference, was number 5

Drum roll please

5. Think light.

Seems so simple... but I am sure all of us remember being a kid and jumping around and then some how pausing in mid flight of that feeling light feeling that you got some times . Now how many of us have lost that.... I think most have

So I took that Idea wrapped my self in that feeling and bam I was Sooooooo close, and even though I did not make it I am happy to say my average distance from the top has gone from 5 inches , to 1/2 an inch.

Any way if you train

Train Safe

and now i spell check

8 errors

hopefully less next time :)

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Living In a Holographic Universe and The Scriptures Of Judas (Science and philosophy breakthroughs and ideas Part 1)

Another day in the uncomfy chair, possibly I should do something about it, I set my feet flat on the floor and try and adjust my posture to its best angle, check that no one is looking whilst I write this at work, and away we gooooo.....

The other day I was reading New Scientist ( a magazine i might add whose Chief editor has said and I quote "My policy was if you're talking to someone else the approach is: "what's happening in science is the most interesting thing in the world, and if you don't agree with me just fuck off, because I'm not interested in talking to you". " ) , and the lead article was something that I had to share with everyone.

OK as you may or not be aware of humans, well the more inquisitive types have been for about the last 90 years looking for gravity waves, as postulated by Einstein. Now the most sensitive of the devices we have made to try and detect these waves is in a small country town in Germany, and when they tried to get a reading , they realized their was interference from an Unknown source.

Imagine the dismay if you will, that you have just turned on a state of the art machine and things just aren't working, but Lo a ray light has come to the Gravity detector in the form of Craig Hogan (a particle scientist from Fermi Labs), and he has said, with double quotations marks because I feel like it "" The Gravity Detector has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in.""


Hogan says "If the result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."

Now there is tonnes of way I can skew this Blog now from the fact that we are all made of light beams to, the ideas that something on the edge of the universe is controlling our actions and deeds at faster than light speed , but instead i have optioned to go for THIS.

If we are to be an image of something else and we are not the real but just echoes, then we are fake (to put it bluntly), so what is the biggest fake /cover up/conspiracy that we beings made of light have come up with to pull the collective wool over our own eyes.

  1. The Lunar Landing (NO)

  2. The assassination of JFK (NO)

  3. Aliens at Roswell (NO)

  4. Global Warming is a myth (NO)

I would have to go with that Jesus and Judas may not of been enemies, I would have to say that one of the most vilified and ostracized men en the world history MAY (and i do stress this word) of been Jesus best friend to his end.

That Judas never betrayed Jesus, and that Judas was working under strict orders from Jesus, WHY? I cannot say but I will say , it is up to you guys to find out more.

If you are interested in either of these Ideas then you can check out more at

and you can read the full translation of the Gospel according to Judas here

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

What to Blog ?

I sit here in my uncomfy office chair wondering what is the best way to start this Blog thing. I have been told by many people that the things I do would be of interest to others and i should try blogging.

But what constantly rattles in my head is WHAT MAKES A GOOD BLOG? I mean I like to see video's and picture (which I do not know how to publish yet ) that relate to the article, and a consistent and artistic writing style. Is this something I am capable of .

Well enough of self doubt and as i said to a friend the other day "All though actions speak louder than words, we need our words to draw attention to our actions" . With that in mind, and the title of the blog "What to Blog? " Let us together delve into the collective psyche of us all and see what comes out.


Great one man you have another project to care of, hopefully you will continue this one to some form of completion.

Ah -hah but i can't complete, it is a blog it is meant to be never ending ... at least so I think.

You should be telling the people that are reading this about some of the things you may blog about... If they read this they will think you are off your head (read here -MAD-)

Ok things that will appear in this Blog apart from my rambling internal monologue, in a list no less

  1. Freerunning/Parkour (of which i have just started training seriously)
  2. Not me in pic BTW :)
  3. Science and philosophy breakthroughs and ideas

  4. My band Mangoseed

  5. The Graphic Novel I am Writing it is called "ARC"

  6. How my teaching of music is getting along

  7. Random days out with Richard

  8. Anything interesting that I have learned

  9. and Hopefully entertaining shit

So I have done the most stereotypical thing and written a list in my first blog of what I intend to blog, hopefully that is good enough for an answer of the question "What to Blog"

Tomorrow to find out how to put pictures on, and where I want in the text. (oh wait I figured it out I am not as dumb as i thought)
